Lavender Linen Water Spray, 16 oz | Jardin du Soleil

Lavender Linen Water

Spritz this fragrant lavender water on your linens, towels, or your pillow for a restful night's sleep or use as a room spray. Our lavender linen water is made with Jardin du Soleil certified organic "Maillette" essential oil. Your linens will have the aroma of having been air-dried on the lavender bush!

Size: 16 oz 

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
5 Star Amazing

I purchased this product many, many years ago and the original bottle still smells amazing! Happy to discover it’s still available.

Mary Helen Johnston

This is so calming especially at night . I spray my pillows before getting into bed at night and it is so calming and peaceful.

Trudy G.
Best Value: Lavender Linen Water

I bought this product for my wife in the fall. The scent is perfect, fresh. And the size of the bottle is great as it lasted for months used to refill a small atomizer.

Linen Water

I love this product. I've been using it for several years. I don't use it on linens, I use it as an air freshener in the bathroom. A bottle lasts a long time, and no artificial smell (or irritation in my sinuses). And just pump action, not aerosol.

Lavender Linen Water

I love this product, which I use as a bathroom air freshener. It's a lovely and light scent and doesn't have a chemical scent that lingers the way most air fresheners do.
I've purchased lavender buds, soaps, and sprays from Jardin du Soleil for years and will continue to do so.